piątek, 20 stycznia 2012

Chaos on the desk! F@#$%^&!

Work stopped for a moment.
Due to the total chaos that prevailed on the desk.
Time to clean up and bring to the job order ;)

Have a nice day
Luke S.

środa, 18 stycznia 2012

Stuff for diorama and a fence

I add pictures that were to occur now.
Paintings, picture frames require little adjustment.

Fence, I added a label with the name of the square.
An array with the name of the square still needs amendments.

Diorama act

Climbing plants growing all the time. Still missing a few sprigs ;)

In the evening I will add even more photos with accessories that I did today.

piątek, 13 stycznia 2012

Diorama next act!

On the wall I added propaganda posters, notice and a few leaflets.
Climbing plant also has its significance will grow.

Poor picture, there is no sun, snow weather :/

poniedziałek, 9 stycznia 2012

We have a new painting!

I can say now almost that much better I like it now than before.
 have prepared some propaganda posters and

am in the process making plaques with the names of streets

So now presents a new painting:

I am still in the process of adding each color. To reach the desired effect

środa, 4 stycznia 2012

New painting dioramas!

The first painting did not bring the desired effect.
I started to paint again. Comes out much better than before.
Photos may be placed over the weekend.